In celebration of the return of its hit animated series, Netflix announces a release date for the much anticipated upcoming second season of F Is for Family. The series follows the middle-class Murphy family as they try to stay afloat, set during the free-spirited 1970s in the suburbs. F Is for Family is co-created by Emmy award winner Michael Price (The Simpsons) and comedian Bill Burr. After the show was released on Netflix in December of 2015, an announcement of season 2 followed a few short months later, in April of 2016.

The popular streaming service remained quiet on just when the F Is for Family sophomore season would arrive, until they released an announcement teaser for the second season today.

The six episode inaugural season was well received by critics and fans alike, both singing the animated sitcom’s praises. Though Burr’s podcast indicated that season 2 could be expected sometime around May, just in time for summer, fans still awaited an official announcement. This new teaser reintroduces audiences to the foul-mouthed Murphy clan in anticipation of a very short wait before the longer, 10-episode season 2 drops on May 30, 2017.

Burr voices the Murphy patriarch Frank, a short tempered war veteran raising three children in suburban Pennsylvania. Rejoining Burr in season 2 are the voice talents of Laura Dern (Jurassic Park) as Frank’s wife Sue, Justin Long as delinquent teenage son Kevin, Haley Reinhart as Frank’s younger son, Debby Derryberry as Frank’s daughter, and Sam Rockwell (Iron Man 2) as Frank’s womanizing neighbor. Season 1 also featured a number of talented comedic guest actors like David Koechner (Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy) and Gary Cole (Pineapple Express, Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby). 

Netflix has proven to be a master of original programming with series, not only with the popular Marvel shows that began with Daredevil, but recent sitcom series Santa Clarita Diet as well.  So it’s no surprise that Netflix is behind this animated gem.

However the teaser nails the fan sentiment; it’s about time for season 2 to finally arrive. With the six-episode appetizer debuting on December 18, 2015, it’s been an increasing test of patience for fans desperate for more of the Murphy family, even with co-creators Burr and Price keeping fans in the loop via social media. For those that haven’t watched F Is for Family, there’s still just over a month to catch up.

Next: F Is for Family Season 1 Review

F Is for Family returns for season 2 on May 30 on Netflix.

Source: Netflix