Non-union fractures happen when there is not enough blood flow or stability blow to the bone that has been fractured. In most cases, both scenarios happen. This kind of fracture mostly occurs when there is a car accident, which causes the blood supply to the affected area to be low. Several other factors increase the risk of a non-healing fracture not healing on its own. For the record, whenever a bone doesn’t heal on its own in nine months, it’s termed a non-union fracture. To solve this issue, some solutions have been provided including which a bone stimulator is part of them. 

A bone  stimulator generates electric currents that are meant to aid the growth of a node. It is best used daily as it uses ultrasonic or pulsed electromagnetic waves to stimulate the bones. A bone stimulator can either be surgically implanted or externally used on the area of the affected home. The use of an implanted stimulator may cause an infection at the fracture site. That’s why an external stimulator is preferred.

 Exogen Bone Stimulator Costs 

Exogen is one of the bone stimulators we talked about above. It is an alternative for healing non-union fractures instead of going through surgery for an implant. It is said to have an 86% healing rate and helps reduce costs for patients. It uses ultrasound waves with low intensity and is placed on the affected fractured area. This device is used for several months on a patient for treatment until the bone begins to show visible signs of healing. It is a procedure that is believed to speed up the natural healing process of a fractured bone and is quite safe and painless. 

When a patient has a broken bone that isn’t healing, instead of going for surgery that will require an implant of plates and screws to help the bone heal, Exogen is the best option to consider due to its cost-effectiveness. It is approved by the FDA as an ultrasound device that helps the healing process of a broken bone. If you have a broken bone that has refused to heal and you have the option of having surgery, which might be quite expensive, you’d want to consider Exogen. 

 The cost of Exogen is dependent on the retailer and the version that you will be buying. If you are buying a used Exogen from eBay, it costs around $180 to $600. This might not be advisable as it might not work perfectly well anymore. Also, on eBay, the price for new ones is usually around $3000-$6000, and this is just the price for the device itself, not including extra cost. On average, Exogen sets cost around $2500 for a new set and $400 for fairly used ones on eBay. This is far better compared to when going for surgery, which can be as high as $10,000, according to an article. It is said that Exogen has the lowest price among other bone simulators in the United States. 

Does Insurance Cover The Cost Of The Exogen Bone Simulator? 

Insurance companies will cover the cost of buying an Exogen Bike stimulator only if you have a document or proof that states that your fractured bone hasn’t healed after 45 to 90 days. This device will be considered and covered by your insurance company compared to rubbing a surgery, which is quite on the high side. Nevertheless, it is better that you speak with your insurance company to know if they can bear the cost and also their terms. 

Can the exogenous bone stimulator be used on all broken bones?

The bone simulator can only be used if your physician or surgeon has done a test and determined if the device is suitable for your situation. It is essential to know if it’s the best bet for you so as not to waste your time and money buying the Exogen Bone Stimulator if it ends up not working out for you. 

 Can Exogen Bone Stimulator Be Used Throughout The Day?

 No, you only use this device for 20 minutes per day. It is advisable to download the Exogen connect app, which gives you reminders daily and helps you use the device as prescribed.  


In conclusion, bone stimulators are very cost-effective when treating broken bones. They are an alternative to surgery. If you need surgery, they can save you up to $10,000. Some companies are coming up saying they could rent out Exogen bone stimulators to you for 3 months or 90 days for a cost of $300-400. This is also another way to save money. Exogen bone stimulators aren’t the only brand in the market, but it is certainly one of the best brands for bone stimulators.