Artists join Esty for its community, as artists can communicate and help each other, but due to some issues many artists are looking for Etsy alternatives and we going to find out why

From Establishing in 1998 to going public in 2015 to achieving its highest market value Etsy is facing a decline in its market value as many artists are leaving Etsy only to opt for different options in the market.

As artists were paying high fees in return for marketplace exposure provided by Etsy.

Earlier it attracted people because of its transparency and easy discoverability through its platform. A 30% transaction fee increase made artists question their choice of the online marketplace and they began looking for different options to sell their products.

Some Etsy Alternatives

Alibaba Group Holding Limited

It is the world’s largest retail platform which provides pretty much everything. When compared to Etsy it is a much larger organization. People even use it to search for cheap factories to do business.


It is Indian based shopping website that works on business to consumer model. It is similar to amazon as it focuses on mass production and distribution by giving access to a global marketplace.


It is an international online shopping site that is famous for its reselling and auctions. it is one of the oldest sites compared to the ones mentioned here.


It comes with more customizability and freedom to sell anything and everything. It enables you to create and manage your store but signing up in Shopify is more complex than on Etsy, in the end, it provides better value for your products.

Big Cartel

It is similar to Etsy as you build your store and monetize it. It has 4 subscription plans starting from a free account. It is also for artists specifically. Higher subscription plans include features like more items to add to your store, etc.


It is a tool to help you design your website. It is great to build beautiful websites to monetize it from one place. But it’s only beneficial if you are ready to grow your business to the next level, you have a budget and a plan to execute.


It is a website-building tool for people with zero experience in this field. it is flexible and you have a lot of control while building a website for your business. it comes with a lot of ready-to-use templates for sites. It is great to build experience and explore everything related to website building.

Etsy Vs Its Competitors

It is better for one-person business management but to scale up your existing business then you might want to look for other options available.

Other platforms are a better choice when it comes to revenue or profit.

Etsy is preferable for its already existing audience base but if you can afford to generate traffic for your site then you might want to look for other options.

Q. Who should sell on Etsy?

A. if you are an artist who wants to sell your product online without putting much into it, and are not looking for a high-scale business right now, then ETSY is for you.  

Q. Why there are better alternatives for ETSY?

A. Although it comes with a lot of conveniences when selling handmade products online. But revenue is something that makes its sellers look for better alternatives. For some these transaction fees are unbearable.

Q. Who Founded Etsy?

A. Etsy was founded in 2005 in Brooklyn, New York, by entrepreneur Rob Kalin and partners Chris Maguire and Haim Schoppik.

Q. Other alternatives for Etsy?

A. except already mentioned, Weebly, redbubble, etc.

Q. Peak of Etsy?

A. During lockdown.

Q. How much does it cost to use Etsy to sell?

It costs $0.20 to publish a listing. A listing lasts for four months or until the item is sold. Once an item sells, there is a 6.5% transaction fee on the sale price [including the shipping price]

ETSY is not for everyone, as it focuses on small businesses owned by artists so that they can scale up their businesses by being visible to millions of people on its platform. Many appreciate ETSY for sticking up to its roots by only selling handmade crafts regardless of its audience. The only drawback it has is a high fee which makes artists rethink selling on Etsy.