Chavez, who had recently turned 24 the day preceding the awful event, supposedly drooped in his vehicle in Pasadena. As per authorities, he was found oblivious inside his truck by the proprietor of the property he had carried mail to twenty minutes after the fact.

Esteban Chavez’s family pins his passing on heat stroke As temperatures in Southern California keep on spiking, Chavez’s family has pinned his demise on heat stroke and parchedness. The teen UPS specialist was found oblivious at the intersection of Sequoia and Glenover drives, as per his dad, Esteban Chavez Sr. He had as of late gotten back to deal with June 24th, after a shoulder illness.

Esteban Chavez Sr., distressed and in grieving, expressed that when help showed up for his child, it was past the point of no return. He told KTLA:

“He dropped on his vehicle seat. When anyone perceived what had occurred, which was the proprietor of the home where he had conveyed the case, it was close to 20 minutes after my child had swooned. It was most certainly past the point of no return when the people on call showed up.”

Chavez, who had recently commended his birthday on Friday, truly valued his business. His dad noticed that he had worked for UPS for a very long time. However the authority reason for death is obscure, his dad puts his child’s abrupt downfall on the outrageous intensity.

With temperatures in Pasadena anticipated to arrive at past 100 degrees Fahrenheit before long, the National Weather Service has given heat admonitions that will be in force from Sunday morning until 8 p.m. Monday. The National Weather Service has cautioned that outrageous intensity will cause a disturbing spike in heat-related afflictions.

This climate change heat is not regular. PLEASE STAY HYDRATED. Take cover if overheated.

— E. Willa Simpson (@EWillaSimpson) July 2, 2022

In a meeting with KTLA, Esteban Chavez Sr. pinned his demise on the requesting working circumstances:

“Everybody knows how hot it is out there, and those vehicles are a hot box. They have this multitude of individuals approaching conveying things and endeavoring to accomplish their amounts and complete their assignments.”

UPS gave an assertion wherein they communicated their distress at his demise and offered their feelings to his loved ones. Notwithstanding his sorrow, the deprived dad communicated his longing to accept that God had a “calling” for his child.

The Chavez family has set up a GoFundMe mission to help with internment and dedication function costs. Authorities have underscored the need of keeping hydrated and cool however much as could be expected to endure extreme temperatures.