But before diving deep into this error, its reason, and the ways it can be fixed, let’s understand what  exactly a Roku TV is. 

So what is this Roku error exactly? Why does it occur? And most importantly, how do you resolve  this error? 

What is the Roku 014 50 error? 

The Roku error usually shows up on your television if the TV is connected to the router but doesn’t  have a good internet connection. This means either the television shows the credentials incorrectly  or it shows connected but the internet isn’t connected. 

Why does the Roku 014 50 error occur? 

This error occurs only because the device is not able to connect to the wireless signal (wifi). If the  device is unable to connect to the local error, it shows a 014 50 error. 

This might be for two major reasons: 

  1. The weak strength of the signal might cause this error. 

  2. Even when the right wireless network is chosen and the password is entered correctly, the  device might fail to connect to the router. 

  3. If the other devices are connected easily to the router, then there is a possibility that the  password and credentials are entered incorrectly and hence the TV isn’t able to connect to  the internet. 

How do you solve the error? 

The error could be annoying and interrupt your Roku TV experience. So how can you solve this  error? 

Firstly, it’s very important to understand that this error isn’t something to worry about. This error is  something that usually occurs in Roku TV sets, but there are simple ways to reboot this error and  restart the TV. 

There are two ways to it.  

  1. The restart way.  

  2. Something in the router 

“The restart way”  

From your Roku device, go to settings, the system, then restart the system. 

After restarting, try connecting to the wifi again. In most cases, this will work. Something in the router  

Say that even after the restart, the device is unable to connect to the router. You need to now check  your router. 

Here are simple steps you can follow to make that router work: 

• At the back of your router, detach the cable connecting to the main network source. • Re-link the cable again after a few seconds. Make sure to check for any dust at the cable  input point and clean it with a dry cloth if possible or other cleaners as permitted. • Once you have re-attached the cable, hit the reset button and hold it for a couple of seconds. • We know it’s been a long time, but try and be patient for a few moments until the router  starts. 

• Also, re-connect the Roku to the router using the correct credentials.  

• The two already have a connection, so the devices will certainly pair. 

• This will solve the error 014-50.

• It is very important to note that the Roku will not connect with the wifi if it’s way far from  its range or if there are many blockages in between, say, for example, walls, cabinets, or  other structures that disrupt the direct connection. 

However, if these steps don’t help, consider connecting either to the internet service provider or  customer service at your Roku TV store or company. 

Here are some frequently asked questions about error 014 50: 

  1. What prompts Roku error 014 50? 

As mentioned earlier, it normally comes up when the Roku TV does not get a reliable wifi connection from the router. Or else check the credentials. They may be mistyped.

  1. How to Reset Roku Successfully?

You will see a reset button. Press and hold it for a few minutes. However, some devices may require  paper clips to hit the reset button. Once you hit the reset button, make sure to detach the cable cord  and then, once restored, reach the ports. 

  1. Why does my Roku keep blinking a light? 

Well, this is a signal that your device cannot connect to the wifi or wireless router connection, or  that the connection between the two is unstable or weak. 

  1. Why is my Roku unable to connect to the wireless signal? 

This is most probably due to a poor signal or too many barriers like walls or cabinets between the  Roku and the router, or maybe a malfunctioning Roku could cause the error. All the above information will surely help you to fix the error and enjoy an uninterrupted television  experience. 

However, if these still don’t help you, please reach out to the operator or helplines, or you can reach  out to experts at go.roku.com/technical support.