Epic Games today announced Unreal Engine 4.3, the latest version of their gaming engine technology, which includes over 500 updates. Included in the latest version of Unreal Engine is support for Apple’s new Metal API for game developers, first introduced last month at WWDC, for code compiled with the Xcode 6 beta. Unreal Engine launched version 4.0 earlier this year introducing its current subscription model for developers as well as Mac support.

As mentioned above, Unreal Engine 4.3 includes over 500 updates including new features for Mac, iOS, Android, and more. Below you can read the change log for iOS and Mac.


New: Deploy from Windows to iOS. (Content only projects, No C++ projects) New: Distortion rendering for iOS. New: Metal API support (if you compile with Xcode 6 beta). Metal is not enabled by default yet, but you can enable this in your game’s Project Settings! New: Addition of default movie for playback on iOS. New: Tapjoy plug-in for iOS. New: Updated to new PVRTexTool, which would be slower by default. Added a quality setting to Project Settings in the new Cooker section (0 is fastest, 4 is slowest). New: Added a Blueprint node for calibrating motion. Implemented for iOS devices. New: Addition of splash screen on iOS staying up until first render. Improved the four-finger-console in iOS (properly saves/loads the history and now will reorder commands to always put the most recently used first).


New: Added deprecation macro support for OS X. Update the RadioEffectUnit AU component to use the newer AUPlugIn API, not the deprecated ComponentManager API. Update AVIWriter use an FEvent to wait for [AVAssetWriter finishWritingWithCompletionHandler:] to complete rather than using the deprecated finishWriting version. New: Respect Xcode’s compiler options so other compilers may be used & minimally support the analyze feature. Parse the compiler selected in Xcode & find the Xcode plugin which contains the executable to run when it is not the default. When the analyze option is enabled (either standalone or as a build setting) we need to pass through the analyze clang flag. Pass in the Xcode max. parallel build tasks default to UBT as an environment variable rather than just assuming we want to use half the CPUs.

Visit Unreal Engine’s post for the full list of updates and changes.